Monday, September 01, 2014

Midland Bay Landing Launch

Midland took a historic step into its future on Friday August 29th, 2014.

Some 60 people gathered at the corner of William and Bayshore to recognize the unveiling of the new Midland Bay Landing site. I was pleased to welcome M.P. Bruce Stanton, Mayor Scott Warnock, Councillors Pendlebury, Charlebois, and Canning, as well as our CAO.

Speeches were short. My remarks began with a summary of the Midland history already founded on this property - the Playfair mill in the late 1800s, shipbuilding through to WWII, and then rail and coal to supply Midland's industries.

2014 turns a new page for us and it is one that will be equally as profound. Once built, Midland Bay Landing will return the Georgian Bay waterfront to its citizens. It will be a place of new beginnings and family, including an infinity pool onto the Bay, an amphitheatre for outdoor performances, and maybe even a splash pad (thanks Alya). It will also be a new economic engine for our area, with many employers already considering making the neighbourhood part of their expansion plans.

Midland Bay Landing holds the promise of our future. We now need the determination to follow though with our dreams.

Highlights from the unveiling of the site can be viewed here:

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