Sunday, June 15, 2014

Midland Butter Tart Festival and Midland Bay Landing

Saturday started cool, but with 50,000 butter tarts it was bound to heat up - truly one of the great tourism events in Midlands’s recent history. Visitors came from as far away as Windsor and Ottawa. His Honour David Onley served as one of the judges and truly enjoyed himself in the process. We all owe a great deal of thanks Barb Rowlandson who was the champion and driver for this great event. I understand all 50,000 were sold by 3:00pm. Next year, is 100,000 too many?

My remarks from the event can be viewed here:

While lacking the public splash of the Butter Tart Festival, Midland closed the purchase of the Unimin lands this week. The final purchase price was 3.4 million. On the business side, this amount will be funded by debt that will be fully paid off as parts are sold to developers over the next few years in accordance with our Town Waterfront Plan. On the community building front, the new "Midland Bay Landing" development will significantly improve the economic prospects for Midland while providing boardwalks and beaches for all of our citizens to enjoy.

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